Think about when a teacher handed out a list of twenty"Past tense"sentences...

作者: tihaiku 人气: - 评论: 0
问题 Think about when a teacher handed out a list of twenty"Past tense"sentences and asked students to discussand find out the grammatical structures.What is the teacher's grammar teaching method?
选项 A.Induction. B.Presentation. C.Consolidation. D.Deduction.
答案 A
解析 考查教学法辨析。题目问的是:一位老师列出了二十个与过去时相关的句子.然后请学生讨论并找出过去时的语法结构.这位老师使用了哪种语法教学方法,”语法教学的常用方法有两种演绎法和归纳法:A项的Induction是归纳法;D项的Deduction是演绎法。本题中的教学方法很明显是归纳法。B项的新课展示和C项的巩固提高,都是教学环节,不是教学方法。因此选A项,、
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