If the function of language is limited to communication, then animals' calls...

作者: tihaiku 人气: - 评论: 0
问题 If the function of language is limited to communication, then animals' calls can also be called language, but actually they are not. Compared with traffic light system, language is far more complicated and resourceful. This reflects that language has the feature of__________.
选项 A.arbitrariness B.finiteness C.creativity D.displacement
答案 C
解析 考查语言学知识。如果语言的功能仅限于交流,那么动物的叫声也可以称作语言,但事实并非如此。交通灯系统仅能传递简单的信息,而语言则要比这复杂的多。所有这些都是因为语言的二重性和递归性使得人类可以创造出数量无限的句子来传递无限的信息,这都体现了语言的创造性,故选C。


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