请简要分析该教师的行为体现了教学反馈的什么要求。 教学片段: T:What’s the theme of the passageWhy do you ...

作者: tihaiku 人气: - 评论: 0
问题 请简要分析该教师的行为体现了教学反馈的什么要求。 教学片段: T:What’s the theme of the passageWhy do you think soStudent A,please. A:The passage is about the invention of table tennis. T:Good.Any other ideasStudent B. B:It is about who invents the table tennis. T:OK,sit down please.Anyone else (After a minute.) T:OK.Who agrees with Student APlease raise your hand. (Some students raise their hand.) T:Who agrees with Student B (Some other students raise their hand.) T:Great.Now let’s read the passage again,and pay attention to the first sentence of each para graph.Let’s work out together whose opinion is the main idea of the passage,A’s or B’s.
解析 这段案例体现了教学反馈要有目的性,要有及时性,要体现参与度和要有启发性。本案例中读完文章后教师立即设置问题,体现了反馈的及时性。教师设置提问反馈的目的是看看学生是否采取了正确的阅读策略获取文章大意,具有很强的针对性。通过让学生举手表决的方式,体现了教学反馈的参与度。通过鼓励其他学生提出不同的见解,最后又点拨学生通过认真读每段的第一句话来总结文章的中心思想,体现了教学反馈的启发性。



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