Which of the following materials is NOT appropriate for a teacher to use in l...

作者: tihaiku 人气: - 评论: 0
问题 Which of the following materials is NOT appropriate for a teacher to use in listening practice?_______
选项 A.Materials with different dialects. B.Comprehensible authentic materials. C.Materials with comprehensible new words for students. D.Materials with contents beyond students comprehension capacity.
答案 D
解析 考查听力材料的选择。听力材料选择中有一条为Grade difficulty level appropriately.即确定听力的适当难度,因此听力材料的难度应当与学生水平相当,并且有多样性。A为“听力材料包含多种方言或者个人用语”,B为“是真实性的可理解的材料”,C为“指材料中包含新单词,但是新单词对学生来说可以理解”,D为“材料的内容超出学生的理解能力”。A、B、C中的材料与听力教学的原则一致,只有D难度过大,故选D。


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