When the idea of winning in sports is carried to excesscompetition can turn i...

作者: tihaiku 人气: - 评论: 0
问题 When the idea of winning in sports is carried to excesscompetition can turn into disorder and violence.
选项 A. honestly B. honest C. honorable D. honorary
答案 C
解析 考查形近词辨析。句意为“当体育中的必胜意识发展到极端时.竞争可能变成混乱和暴力”。honestly是honest的副词,不能修饰名词;honest意为“诚实的”,不符题意;honorable意为“光荣的,可敬的”;honorary意为“(学位、称号等)作为一种荣誉而授予的.名誉的”。故选C。


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