When a teacher asks the students to find some key words from a text quickly, ...

作者: tihaiku 人气: - 评论: 0
问题 When a teacher asks the students to find some key words from a text quickly, he/she is intended to train students' __________strategy in reading class.
选项 A. skimming B. scanning C. extensive reading D. intensive reading
答案 B
解析 考查阅读教学。scanning“寻读”,可以帮助学生快速找到所需信息,准确定位。故选B。skimming“略读”,快速浏览文本,掌握文章大意。extensive reading"泛读”,是指进行广泛、大量的阅读.可以使学生通过频繁地接触语言材料,自觉或不自觉地学到或掌握大量词汇,开阔学生的视野。intensive reading"精读”.是指深入细致、逐字逐句地阅读,可以通过深入钻研.加深知识的积累,、
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