Some teachers teach reading by introducing new vocabulary and structure first...

作者: tihaiku 人气: - 评论: 0
问题 Some teachers teach reading by introducing new vocabulary and structure first and then going over the text sentence by sentence and paragraph by paragraph with the students. This way is known as__________.
选项 A. top-down model B. bottom-up model C. interactive model D. integrative model
答案 B
解析 考查阅读教学模式。就阅读教学的模式来说,主要有三种:自上而下的模式(top.Down model),自下而上的模式(bottom-up model)和交互补偿模式(interactive model)。在自下而上的模式中,学生从字母.到单词.到句子,逐个进行解码从而理解全文。


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