Which of the following is the proper pronunciation of "meet you" as a resul...

作者: tihaiku 人气: - 评论: 0
问题 Which of the following is the proper pronunciation of "meet you" as a result of assimilation
选项 A./mi:t ju:/ B./mi:t ju/ C./mi:tju:/ D./mi:t∫u:/
答案 D
解析 考查音的同化。当/t/,/d/,/s/,/z/遇到半元音[j]时,会分别发生新的辅音/t∫/,/d/,/∫/,//。本题中的/t/遇到/j/产生了新的辅音/t∫/,故本题的正确答案为D。
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