Which of the following is the feature shared by the English phonemes/m/and/p/...

作者: tihaiku 人气: - 评论: 0
问题 Which of the following is the feature shared by the English phonemes/m/and/p/
选项 A.Voiced. B.Voiceless. C.Bilabial. D.Dental.
答案 C
解析 考查英语音素。根据英语辅音的分类可知,按照声带振动与否,/m/是浊辅音,/p/是清辅音;按照发音部位,二者都是双唇音;按照发音方式,/m/是鼻音,/p/是塞音。/m/和/p/共同的特征是双唇音,故选C。
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